Here’s your chance to explore the Island Creek Trail!
The Carolina Nature Coalition (CNC) takes you on a virtual field trip to Island Creek Forest Walk in the Croatan National Forest (CNF).
Don Ostler narrated the episode and Carol Ostler and Michael Schachter highlighted areas of the creek and forest.
Don emphasized the importance of the Island Creek area. “It is ecologically significant as it contains coastal mixed hardwoods and conifers; basic streamline habitat along with rare plants, diversity of birds; and the largest outcropping of marl in Eastern NC. Marl is a combination of fossilized shells and limestone which creates an alkaline soil for unique plants.”
Before you go, Island Creek Forest Walk is located on Island Creek Rd. in Pollocksville, NC. There are three trails: a half mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile loop.
Carol Ostler recommends going early in the morning, wearing long sleeves/pants, insect repellent, and staying hydrated.
Don also talked about the important Land Conservation efforts in the Croatan Forest and Island Creek Walk:
– The Havelock NC 70 Bypass project will cut through the CNF resulting in a loss of forest habitat.
– The Sierra Club of NC and other groups reached a settlement which provided funds to protect and connect other areas of the Croatan Forest Exchange.
– The NC Coastal Land Trust is using those funds for land conservation throughout the Croatan Forest area. They acquired 247 acres adjacent to Island Creek. It expanded the natural area and protected area from the encroachment of development.
Michael Schachter, CNF President, reminded us that their “goal is to educate the population about the environment and environmental justice and also to engage people in meaningful community action”.
Find out how you can get involved by visiting the Coastal Nature Coalition’s website.
Tell us what you think by sending us an email.
Wendy Card