Kristen McCoy receives donation from Smithfield Foods through Craven PIE

Agricultural Day New Bern NC
Dr. Meghan Doyle, Craven County Schools Superintendent accepting the check on behalf of principal Sherri Thomas from Dr. Ervin Patrick, PIE Past President

Smithfield Foods awarded Partners In Education a check for $1,500 on behalf of Kristen McCoy at James W. Smith Elementary to be used towards Agricultural Day.  This check will provide funding for 4th Grade students who rotate through agricultural specific stations throughout “Ag Day,” helping them to understand how the agricultural industry affects the growth and development of North Carolina.

For information on how you or your organization can support Craven County Schools through Partners In Education, contact Darlene Brown at 514-6321 or visit our website at

Submitted by: Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Craven County Partners In Education