New Bern Planning and Zoning Board to consider new development, rezoning, major ordinance changes

Planning and Zoning Board meeting in courtroom at New Bern City Hall. (Photo by Wendy Card)
Planning and Zoning Board meeting in courtroom at New Bern City Hall. (Photo by Wendy Card)

The New Bern Planning and Zoning Board will consider giving staff authority to approve major subdivision plans. They will also consider removing public notice requirements from the city’s land use ordinance.

The Planning and Zoning Board will consider approving new development, rezoning properties and making major changes to the city’s land use ordinance on March 20, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Courtroom on the second floor at 300 Pollock St. in New Bern, NC, according to the packet.

The City of New Bern received two requests to make text amendments to New Bern Land Use Ordinance. One would give the director of Development Services or their designee authority to approve physical improvements to land that will be subdivided. Currently, the P & Z Board approves general plans and final plats for major subdivisions.

The proposed text amendment would also eliminate, “If the proposal of the subdivider/developer is a planned united development (PUD), then and in that event the city shall cause signs to be placed on property proposed to be developed as a PUD at least seven days prior to the meeting of the planning and zoning board at which it will be considered. Notice shall be published one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the community at least ten and not more than 25 days prior to the meeting of the planning and zoning board.”

The other request would change the minor subdivision section of the Land Use Ordinance to allow the director of Planning and Inspections to approve or disapprove minor subdivision plats for six lots. The current ordinance says, “No more than four lots may be created out of one tract using the minor subdivision plat approval process…” Another change would remove “where the entire tract to be subdivided is five acres or less in size” from the definition of a minor subdivision.”

Other changes were also proposed. The details can be found in the meeting packet here.

The Planning and Zoning Board will also consider approving a final plat for phase two of Hutton Pointe, a proposed 94 lot residential development on 76.77 acres in Bluewater Rise.

They will consider whether or not to recommend rezoning 13.54 acres at 3530 Neuse Blvd. from a Commercial 4 (C-4) to Commercial 3 (C-3) zoning district.

The P & Z Board will consider recommending rezoning of 49.61 acres from Agriculture 5F (A-5F), Industrial 1 (I-1), Residential 10A (R-10A) and Residential 6 (R-6) to Residential 10A (R-10A) and Residential 6 (R-6). The property is at or near Derby Park, Athens Acres and West New Bern.

City of New Bern meetings can be found on City 3 TV and on YouTube. The Board of Aldermen meetings are normally livestreamed via Facebook.

By Wendy Card, Editor. Send an email with questions or comments.