The Board of Aldermen approved the sale of three properties, a change order to the Stanley White Recreation Center and other things during their Nov. 26, 2024 meeting at city hall in downtown New Bern, NC. They will meet again on Nov. 10 at 6 p.m.
The New Bern Board of Aldermen approved the consent agenda, which included a resolution to close certain streets for the New Year’ s Eve Block Party and resolutions to initiate the upset bid process for properties at 919 Elm St., 1009 Main St. and 1013 Main St.
City Manager Foster Hughes said Peter Boswell of BPNC, LLC petitioned the board to annex approximately 98 acres of land off Martin Luther King. He said the properties are identified as Craven County parcel numbers 8-210-044 and 8-210-23001.
The land is adjacent to future phases of the Craeberne Forest. The properties are located to the west and east of the future NC 43 Connector and north of Trent Creek Road. Martin Luther King Boulevard is to the south of Trent Creek Road.
The board held a public hearing, but no one spoke.
Alderman Rick Prill asked Peter Boswell if there was a “possibility that a fire station might be able to go on a piece of that property.”
Boswell said he was open to the possibility and would be happy to talk with anybody about it.
The BOA approved the request to annex the two properties with Alderman Prill of Ward 1, Mayor Pro Tem of Ward 2, Alderman Robert “Bobby” Aster of Ward 3, Alderman Johnnie Ray Kinsey of Ward 4, Alderman Barbara Best of Ward 5 and Mayor Jeffrey Odham voting yes.
The Board of Aldermen had a lengthy discussion about the potential for a new fire station near the future NC 43 Connector during a work session on a bond referendum on Nov. 12. Watch the video here.
Two days later, the New Bern Planning and Zoning Board approved phase three of the general subdivision plan for Craeberne Crossing, which includes a fire station. The proposed plan also shows 161 single family detached homes and 190 single family attached townhomes on 268.72 acres.
NewBernNow.com asked Alderman Prill if he was referring to the proposed site in Craeberne Forest and he responded, “According to City staff, no specific site has been identified for a proposed new Fire Station. The city has identified an area where it feels a station should go but at this time, there is no roadway in place to accommodate such a facility. If/when the Rt.43 connector gets built, a new roadway would then be available. At the last meeting the BOA approved the annexation of property in this area, at the request of the property owner, so I asked the owner if he might consider talking to the City about the possibility of property being set aside that could be used for a new Fire Station. He indicated he would be willing to talk to the city.”
Back to the Nov. 26 Board of Aldermen meeting, City Engineer Jordan Hughes recommended the board approve a resolution for a sewer use agreement with the Coastal Carolina Regional Airport. The airport plans to develop “a small aerospace development area” on the property and the agreement is required. The BOA approved the resolution.
Foster Hughes said Julius Rodriguez and Crystal Rutledge made a bid for $6,000 to purchase 0.14 acres of land at 1110 Mechanic St. The city and county acquired the property through foreclosure in 2019. If the property is sold, the city will receive $1,741.63 and the county will receive $4,258.37. The board approved a resolution for the sale.
Public Works Director George Chiles presented a request for a change order for the construction of Stanley White Recreation Center project for $23,677.94. The board adopted a resolution to authorize the city manager to execute the change order.
The city manager said the city expects to have a grand opening for the SWRC in January.
The New Bern Police Chief Patrick Gallagher recommended the board approve a resolution for a memorandum of understanding with RHA Health Services for a co-responder program. He noted several goals, one of them is to prevent unnecessary hospitalization and/or incarceration of people suffering from behavioral health needs. He said although the co-responders aren’t his employees, they work at the police department’s headquarters because that synergy is critically important.
“Since we’ve had this program, nine out of ten individuals that we have come in contact with that are in crisis have been diverted away from the criminal justice system and receiving treatment for their needs,” Gallagher said.
Assistant City Attorney Jaimee Mosely proposed a resolution that rescinds the Mutual Aid Agreement resolution from 2016 and with a new one. The board adopted the resolution.
The city manager mentioned holiday events.
Assistant City Manager Marvin Williams introduced his stepfather in-law who was visiting from St. Louis.
The BOA appointed Prill to replace Alderman Kinsey as the board’s representative to the Eastern Carolina Council of Governments.
Mayor Odham said there was a recent ceremony at city hall. A volunteer told him, “The majority of the people came up the traditional staircase and most of them were not aware there was an elevator so I’m not sure if we need some signage.”
Hughes said they can do that.
The New Bern Board of Aldermen will meet at 6 p.m. on Nov.10 in city hall. There are several items on the agenda, including the Petition of Citizens, Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan, the former Days Inn property, an application for a RAISE grant for Neuse Boulevard, the sale of public property, New Bern 101, the Duffyfield Canal stormwater project along with other things.
Meetings are live streamed on City 3 TV and on the city’s Facebook page. Recordings are normally uploaded to YouTube.
Watch the meeting here:
Editor’s note: The article was updated to include Alderman Prill’s comment about the fire station.
By Wendy Card, editor. Send an email with questions or comments.