The Craven County Board of Commissioners will consider purchasing property from the Board of Education tomorrow, according to the meeting agenda.
The Craven County Board of Commissioners will discuss several items during the Nov. 18, 2024 meeting at 8:30 a.m.in the county’s Administration Building at 406 Craven St. in New Bern, NC, according to the meeting agenda here.
A budget amendment related to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing’s Nurse Practitioner Residency program is on the consent agenda along with tax refunds and releases and approval of past meeting minutes.
The Board of Commissioners will consider purchasing property at 902 and 907 North B St. in Bridgeton at fair market value from the Craven County Board of Education. The parcel located at 907 North B St. was the site of the old Bridgeton Elementary School until it was demolished on Nov. 17, 2017. The 4.145-acre is adjacent to the Neuse River in Bridgeton and is identified as 2-002-001, according to the Craven County GIS website. The land was appraised at $500,000. The other property is located across the street at 902 North B. St. on 0.69-acres of land. It’s identified as parcel ID 2-002-031 and it was appraised at $70,000.
The executive director of Hope Mission will provide an update on their activities related to the contract with Craven County.
The Board of Commissioners will consider the following departmental matters:
-Approving existing and new fees for patients receiving vaccines for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus; certain lab tests; and fees for COVID-19 testing.
-Allowing the Environmental Health Department to apply “for a $300,000 grant to fund the Retail Program Standards Coordinator Position.”
-Approving a request for a meter data support specialist for the Automated Metering Infrastructure meter project and consider approving a budget amendment for $35,763.
-Approving a total offer of $46,050 from the NC Department of Transportation for the acquisition of temporary construction easements, rights of way, permanent easement and other site improvements, which are part of the Craven County Water System.
-Approving additional funding in the amount of $168,166 for the Tyler Enterprise Resource Planning project.
-Approving an amendment to the Recruitment and Retention Bonus policy that would increase the amount of recruitment and retention bonuses.
-Approving a $165,000 budget amendment for technology needs of the Craven Pamlico Regional Library.
-Approving a budget amendment for $388,292 to pay out the compensatory time balance for position vacancies, increased workloads, and assisting in response to Hurricane Helen relief efforts in western NC.
-Authorizing the county manager to commit up to $300,000 for Completing Access to Broadband project.
Appointments, reports from the county manager, county attorney and commissioners are also on the agenda.
There’s also the possibility of a closed session.
In other news

Earlier this month, Chad Strawn, the director of Planning and Inspections, asked the Board of Commissioners to consider holding a public hearing for a proposed no wake zone in Brices Creek. He said, “The proposed no wake zone starts approximately 50 yards north of the Brices Road Creek Bridge down to approximately 120 yards south of the Merchant’s boat landing.” The total distance would be 450 yards.
He said after the public hearing, the commissioners would be asked to support a resolution that would be forwarded to the NC Wildlife Commission for consideration.
Vice Chairman Dennis “Denny” Bucher told the Board of Commissioners that the new owner of Merchant’s Grocery asked him months ago if the commissioners “would support a no wake zone.” He said the owner replaced the fueling station and old ramps.
“It’s my belief that it would be a wise thing to do this, not just because they asked, but you’re putting fuel in boats and you got boats going by,” Bucher said.
He continued, “…they come around that corner and they’re over pretty close to that ramp and fueling station. I don’t think if my boat is there getting fuel, I want it doing this. So, it would be my recommendation that we support this recommendation.”
The board approved a motion to set a public hearing for the proposed no wake zone in Brices Creek on Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. to accept public comment with Commissioner Thomas Mark of District 1, Chairman Jason Jones of District 2, Commissioner Beatrice Smith of District 3, Commissioner Ettienne “E.T.” Mitchell of District 4, Commissioner Shevel “Sherry” Hunt of District 5, Commissioner Chadwick Howard of District 6 and Vice Chairman Denny Bucher of District 7 voting yes.
Watch the last meeting here:
Regular meetings are usually uploaded to Craven County’s YouTube channel here.
By Wendy Card, Editor. Send an email with questions or comments.