Annexation, sewer and water agreement among items on tonight’s Board of Aldermen meeting agenda.
The Board of Aldermen will meet at 6 p.m. Nov. 26 at City Hall located at 300 Pollock Street in New Bern, NC.
A resolution to close streets for the New Year’ s Eve Block Party and a resolution to initiate the upset bid process for property at 919 Elm St., 1009 Main St., 1013 Main St. are on the consent agenda.
According to the meeting agenda and packet, the board will consider the following:
-Holding a public hearing and adopting an ordinance to annex approximately 98 acres of land to BPNC, LLC. The properties are identified as Craven County parcel numbers 8-210-044 and 8-210-23001 and are to the west and east of the future NC 43 connector and north of Trent Creek Road. They are adjacent to future phases of Craeberne Forest in Ward 6.
-Approving a resolution for a sewer use agreement with Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Authority. The airport plans to develop “a small aerospace development area” on the property and a sewer use agreement is required.
-Adopting a resolution approving the sale of 0.14 acres of land at 1110 Mechanic St. for $6,000. If property is sold, the county will receive $4,258.37 and the city will receive $1,741.63.
-Adopting a resolution to authorize the city manager to execute a change order for the Stanley White Recreation Center Project for $23,677.94.
-Adopting a resolution to authorize an updated memorandum of understanding with RHA Health Services for the co-responder program. The New Bern Police Department has partnered with RHA to “add the mental health profession to its response protocols. Both entities can respond to people in crisis in an attempt to divert them from the criminal justice system to the more appropriate mental health system. Through early identification and intervention, this program can minimize the need to arrest people in crisis due to behavioral health or intellectual and development disabilities.” The MOU provides guidelines to compensate RHA.
-Adopting a resolution for model mutual aid agreement provisions. The proposed resolution rescinds and replaces a solution from 2016 “that grants the Police Chief authority to enter into mutual aid agreements that meet the needs of the agencies while also safeguarding the city’ s and employee’ s interests.”
The Board of Aldermen will also consider appointments and received updates from the city manager, city attorney and board members.
They will also consider if a closed session is needed.
Meetings are live streamed on City 3 TV and on the city’s Facebook page. Recordings are normally uploaded to YouTube.
By Wendy Card, editor. Send an email with questions or comments.