On the agenda: Oct. 7 Craven County Board of Commissioners meeting

Craven County Administration Building in New Bern, NC. (Photo by Wendy Card)
Craven County Administration Building in New Bern, NC. (Photo by Wendy Card)

A public hearing, short-term lease agreements and appointments are among items on the Board of Commissioners meeting agenda.

The Board of Commissioners will meet on Oct. 7, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the Administrative Building at 406 Craven St. in New Bern, NC.

The following is a summary of what’s on the agenda. See the full agenda and packet here.

A public hearing regarding the sale of 12.7 acres of land in the Craven County Industrial Park for economic development purposes is scheduled for the beginning of the meeting. The property is identified as parcel 8-217-1-010 and is also known as lot 10. It’s located off Industrial Drive and is valued at $317,500. Bayfront Development offered to purchase the land for the same amount. The purchaser plans on constructing a “shell building,” which is expected to be valued at $1 million and at $2 million after buildout for the first tenant. The agenda says the conveyance will result in creating new jobs and increasing tax revenue for the county.

Last month, the board awarded a contract to Barnhill Construction to put a road, water and sewer in lots 9 and 10 of the Industrial Park. Jeff Wood, Economic Development director, told the board that the estimated cost is $960,076 and the project will be funded through a State appropriated grant.

The public will be allowed to comment on items related to the agenda during the Petition of Citizens period.

Within the consent agenda, the commissioners will consider approving meeting minutes, tax releases and refunds, budget amendments for $250 in donations to the Sheriff’s Office and $2,018 to cover maintenance on a Motorola contract for Emergency Services and proclaim November as National American Indian Heritage Month.

The board will consider allowing CARTS to apply for $130,920 in State Maintenance Assistance Program funds.

They will consider approving the sale of lot 10 in the Industrial Park for Project Plaid.

The commissioners will consider approving a grant project ordinance and budget amendment for the Tucker Creek Middle School Expansion Project Fund 244.

In May, they approved a Form Agreement for the Needs‐Based Public School Capital Fund grant. “This project costs $17,996,750, requiring a 15% local match from the County. Funding in the form of a grant from the Needs-Based Public-School Capital Fund has been awarded in the amount of $15,297,237, while the local match of $2,699,513 will come from the County’s Debt Service Fund,” the agenda says.

The board will consider leasing property to Swiss Bear for Mumfest activities. Mumfest is scheduled for Oct. 12-13.

They will also consider leasing property to Eastern Aviation Fuels, Inc. for Air Show activities and give the county manager the authority to execute any documents. The New Bern Air Show is scheduled for Nov. 30 at Union Point Park.

Appointments for various boards will be considered.

The board will consider an initial offer to purchase 1110 Mechanic Street, identified as parcel 8-014-226, for $6,000. The county and the City of New Bern co-own the property which was obtained through tax foreclosure. Past due taxes and costs are $2,492.10. The tax value is $6,000. The city has approved the initial offer. If the commissioners approve the transaction, the resolution should be adopted which will authority the advertisement for upset bids. The agenda says, “Once the upset bid process is concluded, this transaction will be brought back before the Board of Commissioners for final approval.”

The board will consider approving the conveyance of 509 Darst Ave., parcel 8-008-050, for $2,400 after the upset bid period expired. The county and city acquired the property through tax foreclosure. Past due costs and taxes total $10,547.98. The tax value is $4,800.

The public will be allowed to address the board during the second Petition of Citizens period.

After the commissioners’ report, the board will consider going into Closed Session.

Regular meetings are usually uploaded to Craven County’s YouTube channel here.

By Wendy Card, Editor. Send an email with questions or comments.

Watch the last meeting here:

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