How do you feel about the plans for future land development in New Bern? A public forum will be held tonight.
CodeWright Planners and City of New Bern staff will hold a public forum on the proposed changes to the Land Use Ordinance on Aug. 14, 2024 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Development Services building located at 303 First Street.
Chad Meadows and Courtney Tanner of CodeWright Planners were available for a “public forum” on July 23 at Development Services.
Tanner told NewBernNow.com that their goal was to make the process clearer for staff, the pubic and developers.
The land use ordinance, “spells out the process for approval of new development, controls where different land uses in the city can be located, and the rules and regulations for how existing land can be used. Periodically updating our land use ordinance ensures evolving state and federal laws are implemented, makes our ordinance more user-friendly and concise, and helps protect landowners and businesses,” according to a press release from the city.
Meadows presented the Re-New Bern project to the New Bern Board of Alderman in February and July. Watch here:
Information about the Re-New Bern project can be found here.
Colleen Roberts, the city’s public information officer, told NewBernNow.com that the public forum will be recorded.
Video recordings of city meetings are normally available on City 3 TV.
By Wendy Card, Editor. Send an email with questions or comments.