The New Bern Board of Aldermen voted to table a decision to support naming a portion of the NC 43 Connector for the late Marvin L. Raines, Jr.
On April 9, Kevin Roberts, Charles Cushman and Marvin’s son Michael Raines asked the Board of Aldermen to consider supporting their effort to name a section of the NC 43 Connector for Marvin Raines who passed away in 2013.
Cushman said the application process would require a resolution approved by the BOA since part of the road, approximately four miles long, is under the City of New Bern’s jurisdiction.
He said the New Bern Chamber of Commerce, Swiss Bear and the Neuse River Realtors Association supported the naming effort.
Kevin Roberts and Michael Raines described Marvin as a civic leader and businessman.
On May 14, the Board of Aldermen considered approving a resolution in support of naming part of the Connector after Raines.
Alderman Johnnie Ray Kinsey asked why Governor Beverly Perdue, NC State Representative William Waynewright and Bob Mattocks weren’t considered.
Alderman Barbara Best agreed with Kinsey. She stated there were citizens that she would support naming the highway after.
She said, “They didn’t come forth to, in front of us.”
Alderman Hazel Royal said she would need more information.
Mayor Jeffrey Odham recommended that the board table the item because the decision would have to be unanimous.
The item was tabled until the next regularly scheduled board meeting, which is on May 28.
The NC 43 Connector will extend the highway from the interchange at US 70 to Trent Creek Road, ending at US 17 Business.
The New Bern Area Metropolitan Planning Organization published a public notice related to the NC 43 Connector on April 24. It reads:
“The 2024-2033 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) identifies state and federally funded transportation investments within the New Bern Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area.”
“Amendment 8 includes adding a project break to an existing multi-county rumble strip project and adjusting the project schedule for the NC 43 Connector to allow for additional time for right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation from FY 25 to FY 26.”
“This Amendment will enable transportation projects to continue to move through the planning, design, right-of-way, and construction phases. Public comments will be received through June 20, 2024.”
“For more information and to submit comments, you can email trebil.deanna@newbernnc.gov, call 252-639-7592 or send comments to New Bern Area MPO, 303 First Street, New Bern, NC 28560.”
Video recordings of official city meetings are available on City 3 TV here.
By Wendy Card, Send an email with questions or comments.