The New Bern Board of Aldermen will meet Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. in the City Hall courtroom located at 300 Pollock St.
Items on the agenda include:
-Petition of Citizens. Members of the public are allotted for minutes to speak.
-Introduction of new Fire Chief Damien Locklear.
-Presentation and adoption of the proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
-Conduct a public hearing and adoption of ordinance to annex 1955 Old Airport Road. The Estate of Elisabeth S. Rabeler requested the proposed site of Riverside Leadership Academy, a charter school, to be annexed into the City of New Bern.
-Conduct a public hearing and adoption of ordinance to annex 684 West Thurman Road. Real Dogtors, LLC plans to build a veterinarian clinic and is seeking annexation into the city.
-Conduct a public hearing and adoption of ordinance to apply zoning to 3277 Old Airport Road. The property was annexed into the city on Oct. 10, 2023 and is not currently zoned. On Nov. 7, the Planning and Zoning board recommended the land to be zoned Residential R-8.
-Consider adopting resolutions for street lighting on Center Avenue and at the intersection of Colony Drive and Neuse Boulevard. Staff reviewed the requests made by Alderman Kinsey and recommended the addition of streetlights.
-Consider adopting resolutions to sell 817 Murray St., 607 Bern St., 1022 K St. and 1127 H St.
– Discussion of BP Building change in scope of work. FEMA allocated $955,812 towards rebuilding the structure located at 2602 Oaks Road that was damaged during Hurricane Florence. The board will consider using the funds for a different project.
-Alderman Kinsey has been asked to fill Raymond Layton’s term on the Planning and Zoning Board that expired on June 30.
See the agenda and full packet here for more information.
By Wendy Card, co-editor. Send an email with any questions or comments.