The meeting will be held on June 5, 2023, at 6 p.m. in the Craven County Commissioners Meeting Room at the Craven County Administration Building in New Bern. View the agenda here.
Comments directly pertaining to items on the agenda of any regularly scheduled meeting of the Board shall be made during an agenda comment period occurring at the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting. Comments during this period shall be limited to those comments directly pertaining to items on the agenda for such meeting.
Each speaker will have three minutes to make remarks, as measured by a timer operated by County staff. A speaker may not yield any of his or her time to another speaker.
Speakers must be courteous in their language and presentation and must abide by generally accepted standards of decorum. Speakers shall not make the same or repetitive comments, whether during a particular comment period or over the course of multiple comment periods. Speakers shall not attack or insult any person or group of people, and speakers shall not give belligerent or hostile comments during any comment period.
Board Action: Receive information.
A. Minutes of May 15, 2023 Regular Session; Minutes of May 15, 2023 Reconvened Session; Minutes of May 16, 2023 Reconvened Session; Minutes of May 17, 2023 Reconvened Session
The Board will be requested to approve the Minutes of May 15, 2023 Regular Session; May 15, 2023 Reconvened Session; May 16, 2023 Reconvened Session and May 17, 2023 Reconvened Session, as shown in the following documents.
B. Tax Releases
The Board will be requested to approve the tax releases shown in the following document.
C. Health Summer Internship Budget Amendment
Pitt County Health Department is acting as the receiving hub for the Region 10 ARPA Workforce Grant Funds. Craven County was approved $3,000 to pay for a summer intern to provide the following services:
1. Develop individual exercise programs, intake forms, and conduct pre and post surveys for participants that are in a yearlong cohort to prevent Type 2 Diabetes.
2. Develop and teach monthly health promotion classes for senior citizens that participate in the congregate meal program at the Craven County Senior Center.
3. Assist our Environmental Health staff in conducting a risk factor study.
The intern will work 250 hours at $12/hour for a total amount of $3,000.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $3,000.
D. Recreation Special Olympics Bench Donation Budget Amendment
Special Olympics of Craven County donated $1,105.50 to purchase a bench in memory of Mason Crum, a longtime Special Olympics Craven County volunteer. This bench will be placed at Creekside Park near the Bocce Courts. Mason volunteered at this location for many years.
With the funds from this donation, the Recreation & Parks Department will purchase a recycled bench that will last for many years. The bench will provide the Special Olympics athletes and the general public a place to rest while participating at the Bocce Courts.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $1,150.05.
E. Finance – Medical Examiner Budget Amendment
Craven County has experienced an increase in the number of autopsy investigations performed by the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office. Expenditures year to date are running 14% ahead of last fiscal year and are projected to exceed original budget estimates. The current fee for each investigation performed is $200. It is estimated that $10,000 will be needed through the remainder of this fiscal year.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $10,000.
F. Finance – Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Additional State Funding Awarded to Area Day Program
The North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JCPC) has awarded additional discretionary funds in the amount of $4,800 to Area Day Reporting Center. Funds will be used to host a youth violence prevention seminar. The JCPC Program Agreement Revision is included in your agenda and provides details on authorized expenditures. In order to disburse these additional funds to Area Day Reporting Center, a budget amendment will be needed.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $4,800.
G. Military Service Person of the Quarter Resolution
The Board will be requested to adopt the following resolution recognizing Sergeant Alexis Ilia Sepulveda as Military Service Person of the Quarter.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the consent agenda items
4. Crime Stoppers Presentation: Brynn Harms; Kelly Cox
Brynn Harris, Crime Stoppers Board Member, and Cpl. Kelly Cox will give a presentation on the mission and services provided by their organization.
A copy of their presentation is shown in the following document.
Board Action: Receive information
5. Economic Development – Resolution for NC Commerce Infrastructure Development Fund; Jeff Wood
The Craven County Economic Development Department has been working with the Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Authority to obtain funds to build out the Commercial Aerospace Development area of the airport. The Authority has already been successful in winning a Golden LEAF grant to extend water and sewer. The Department is requesting the board to approve a resolution authorizing the Department to apply for a NC Department of Commerce grant through their infrastructure development funds. This grant requires a match which is being provided by the Airport Authority.
A copy of the resolution and grant application are shown in the following documents.
Board Action: Approve drafted resolution and authorize the department to apply for the grant.
6. Solid Waste – Award Debris Removal Contract and Debris Monitoring Contract: Steven Aster
As part of disaster preparedness, Craven County holds prepositioned primary and secondary contracts for Debris Removal and Debris Monitoring. Both functions are typically reimbursable by FEMA for federally declared events. On July 18, 2022, the Craven County Board of Commissioners awarded Phillips & Jordan, Inc and CrowderGulf, LLC the final one-year renewal of the contract awarded after Hurricane Florence in 2018. Additionally, the Craven County Board of Commissioners awarded Tetra Tech, Inc a one-year renewal for the Debris Monitoring Contract.
In April 2023, Craven County staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Disaster Debris Removal and Clearance Services and a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Disaster Debris Monitoring Services. Both solicitations were due by the first week in May, 2023. Craven County received 7 responses to the RFP for Debris Removal and 2 responses to the RFQ for Debris Monitoring Services. An evaluation committee of experienced Craven County staff was convened and reviewed all of the responses and developed a scoring and rating matrix. The rating sheets are included in the following documents. It was determined that one Debris Removal company was nonresponsive due to required elements not being included.
It is the recommendation of staff that a primary and secondary contractor be selected for each activity. Additionally, it is recommended that each initial contract be for a 30 month term with two 1 year renewals. This will allow the County to have a more favorable contract renewal period in the future. Each contract will also include the provision that any local government or other governmental entity within Craven County can utilize these contracts through a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement.
For Debris Removal and Clearance, the committee recommends that Ceres Environmental be awarded as the primary contractor and Phillips & Jordan, Inc as the secondary contractor, as shown in the following document. For Debris Monitoring, the committee recommends that Tetra Tech, Inc. be awarded the contract as primary contractor and Thompson Consulting Services be awarded the contract as secondary contractor, as shown in the following document.
Staff is available for any questions.
Board Action: 1) Award Ceres Environmental as the primary contractor for Disaster Debris Removal and Clearance Services and Phillips & Jordan, Inc. as the secondary contractor; 2) Award Tetra Tech, Inc. as the primary contractor for Disaster Debris Monitoring Services and Thompson Consulting Services as the secondary contractor.
7. Finance: Craig Warren
A. Occupancy Tax Budget Amendment
Occupancy tax collections countywide for the current year are running approximately 7.6% ahead of last year’s collections and are expected to exceed original budget estimates. As a result of the increased collections, the portion of occupancy taxes collected by the County and remitted to the Tourism Development Authority (TOA) will also exceed our original budget estimates. It is estimated that an additional $75,000 will be needed in order to continue remitting the TDA’s portion through the end of the fiscal year.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $75,000.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment; a roll call vote is needed
B. Rescue Squads Budget Amendment
Ambulance service fees billed and collected by the County on behalf of the following rescue squads are anticipated to exceed original budget projections. It is estimated that an additional $95,000 will be needed to continue remitting the squad payments through the end of the fiscal year. The projected increases to revenue estimates by squad are $6,000 for New Bern Craven County Rescue, $4,000 for Fort Barnwell, $17,000 for Bridgeton Rescue, $56,000 for Vanceboro Rescue, and $12,000 for Township #7. The attached budget amendment reflects the projected increases for each squad along with the corresponding expenditures.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $95,000.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment; a roll call vote is needed
8. Appointments
* A. Pending:
B. Current:
Community Child Protection Team
Craven Clean Sweep
Emergency Medical Services
Fireman’s Relief Fund Board (District 5)
Highway 70 Corridor Committee
Local Emergency Planning Committee
Volunteer Agricultural District (District 6)
Craven County Planning Board
-Applicant Mark Best (District 3) seeks appointment to fill vacant seat
Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Authority
-George Liner (appointed 2020) seeks reappointment
-Jason Jones (appointed 2020) seeks reappointment
-Kellie Hawkins/Kiser (appointed 2020) does not seek reappointment (7 applications in the following documents)
Craven County ABC Board
-Kenneth Morris (has only served 2 years) seeks reappointment
-Carol Crayton (has served 12 years) (9 applications in the following documents)
Fire Tax Commissioners
-Applicant Ron Pound seeks to fill vacant seat left by Carl Barwick (application and letter of recommendation follow)
New Bern Board of Adjustment
-Sandra Gray (appointed 2020) seeks reappointment
Havelock Planning Board
-Alfred Gray (appointed 2019) seeks reappointment
Appoint a NACo Voting Delegate
C. UPCOMING: Terms Expiring
Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board
-William Green
-John Wilson
-Anthony Cruz
Fireman’s Relief Fund
-Joshua Whitford (TWP 2 Little Swift Creek)
Fire Tax Commissioners
-Joann Slagle (TWP 6)
Emergency Medical Services
-Robert Boyd
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
-Jamara Wallace
-Carlton Metts
-Christopher Devone
Craven County Recreation Advisory
-Matt Webb
-Chad Braxton
-Daniel Miller
Havelock Board of Adjustment
-Thomas McCarthy
-Reuben Mikul
Community Child Protection Team
-Emily McDonald (DSS Director Designee)
Board Action: Appointments will be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified.
9. County Attorney’s Report: Arey Grady
A. Initial Offer to Purchase Real Property – Parcel Number 7-006-083 (Street Address N/A)
The County has received an offer in the amount of $5,500 for this real property, which was acquired through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $4,928.87. The tax value of this property is $9,800. The following documents contain the Offer to Purchase, Foreclosure Deed, GIS information, and proposed resolution approving the offer and authorizing theupset bid process.
Should the Board of Commissioners approve this transaction, the proposed resolution should be adopted, which will in turn authorize advertisement for upset bids. Once the upset bid process is concluded, this transaction will be brought back before the Board of Commissioners for final approval.
Board Action: Adopt resolution authorizing advertisement for upset bids
B. Approval of Conveyance After Expiration of Upset Bid Period – Lees Avenue, New Bern (Parcel Number 8-006-173)
The County previously received and approved an offer to purchase this real property, in the amount of $2,000, subject to the completion of the upset bid process. The offer was advertised, and there were no upset bids, the final bid being $2,000. The upset bid period has now expired, and the County Attorney recommends approval of the conveyance at the purchase price of $2,000. The County and the City of New Bern originally acquired this property through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $2,796.90. The tax value of this property is $4,000.
Note that this property is jointly owned with the City of New Bern, which has already granted final approval of this offer.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the proposed resolution should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents. Documents follow.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving conveyance after expiration of upset bid period.
10. Petitions of Citizens – General Topics
Comments directly pertaining to policies or issues which are under the statutory or administrative authority of the Board shall be made during a general comment period occurring at the end of each regularly scheduled meeting. Comments during this period shall be limited to those comments directly pertaining to issues which are under the statutory or administrative authority of the Board.
Each speaker must address the Board as a whole (and not any individual Commissioner, County staff member or the audience) from the lectern and shall begin his or her remarks by giving his or her name and address and the topic about which they intend to speak. Each speaker will have three (3) minutes to make remarks, as measured by a timer operated by County staff. A speaker may not yield any of his or her time to another speaker.
Speakers must be courteous in their language and presentation, and must abide by generally accepted standards of decorum. Speakers shall not make the same or repetitive comments, whether during a particular comment period or over the course of multiple comment periods. Speakers shall not attack or insult any person or group of people, and speakers shall not give belligerent or hostile comments during any comment period.
Board Action: Receive information
Submitted By Alison Newcombe
* Editor’s Note: Names of applicants for citizen boards that were listed in the packet, but not on the agenda: Chris Ormond, Alderman Bob Brinson, Alderman Johnnie Ray Kinsey, Mayor Dred Mitchell, Carol Stubbs, Mary Liz-Hynes, Michael Raines, Owen Andrews, James Williams, Mark Eckert, Linda Simmons-Henry, Jeffrey Haddock, Guy Gregg, James Ferguson III and James Fulcher.
By Wendy Card, co-editor, Send an email with questions or comments.