Support local journalism for New Bern and surrounding communities

The Navigator newspaper being delivered throughout New Bern and surrounding communities.

New Bern Now is the only local news company that reports on important issues that aren’t reported by others, as we are independent of influence from corporations or politicians. A variety of outlets were built to give people opportunities to consume information via audio, video, digital, and now a print newspaper.

We are committed to delivering high quality journalism and informative news stories to the residents of New Bern and surrounding communities. A digital-first company, is a local search engine for articles, video, audio, and print for 14 years.

The majority of local newspapers were bought out by large media corporations who receive revenue by publishing local, state, and federal public and legal notices. Traditionally, newspapers relied on subscriptions and advertising. In the age of social media, locally, businesses and nonprofits are advertising with giants like Google, Facebook and other social media platforms, taking advertising dollars out of the community.

We stood up a three-person newsroom in February. While continuing operations, The Navigator newspaper was published in March. We need your help to contribute to the funding of initial operations until we can hire additional necessary staff.

Advertising opportunities receives 59,000+ page views per month. Additionally, our multimedia sources: social media sites, the New Bern Bulletin daily news email (Monday-Friday), video/podcast/radio show and The Navigator newspaper reach thousands of readers, listeners, and subscribers per month. Advertising with NBN is an excellent way to promote your business to a highly engaged audience and support local community journalism.

Our rates are affordable and competitive, making advertising with New Bern Now a smart investment for your business. Plus, our dedicated team will ensure that your ad is seen and heard by thousands of local residents who trust and rely on NBN’s news coverage.

Subscription options

Subscribe monthly or make a one-time contribution by using the form below, or send a check to NC Life Media, LLC, P.O. Box 13614, New Bern, NC, 25861.

By Wendy Card, co-editor. Send an email with comments or questions.