The March 14, 2023 meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Courtroom at City Hall located at 300 Pollock St. in New Bern, NC.
1. Meeting opened by Mayor Odham. Prayer Coordinated by Mayor Odham. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approve Agenda.
4. Request and Petition of Citizens.
This section of the agenda is titled Requests and Petitions of Citizens. This is an opportunity for public comment, and we thank you for coming to the Board of Aldermen meeting tonight to share your views. We value all citizen input. Speaker comments are limited to a maximum of 4 minutes during the public comment period. At the conclusion of 4 minutes, each speaker shall leave the podium. Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member. Although the board is interested in hearing your comments, speakers should not expect any comments, action, or deliberation from the board on any issue raised during the public comment period. At the board’s discretion, it may refer issues to the appropriate city officials or staff for further investigation. If an organized group is present to speak on a common issue, please designate one person to present the group’s comment, which shall be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes. *
5. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets for the Neuse River Bridge Run.
Ward 1) Gary Kenefick, event organizer, has requested to close the 200 blocks of East Front and South Front Streets from 4 a. m. until 1 p. m. on April 29, 2023, for the Neuse River Bridge Run. Additionally, he has sought the use of Union Point Park on April 28, 2022, from 12 p. m. until 9 p. m. for the Super Kids Fun Run. Kari Warren, Director of Parks and Recreation, has authorized the closure of the park for the kids’ event. A memo from Mrs. Warren, a copy of the event application, and maps of the route are enclosed.
6. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets for the Antique Car Show.
Ward 1) On behalf of the First Capital Chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America, Michael Wilson has requested the 200- 300 blocks of Middle Street, 300- 400 blocks of Pollock Street, and the 300 block of Craven Street be closed to vehicular traffic from 4: 30 a. m. until 3: 30 p. m. on May 13, 2023, for an annual car show. A memo from Mrs. Warren is enclosed along with a copy of the event application and a map of the route.
7. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Rezone Tax Parcel ID 8-044-007.
Ward 2) Price and Poole 2612 Investment Property, LC has requested to rezone 6. 83 +/- acres from C-4 Neighborhood District to C-3 Commercial District. The parcel, identified as Tax Parcel ID 8-044-007, is located on the east side of Lowe’s Boulevard at the intersection of Trent Road. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved the request at its Feb. 7, 2023 meeting. A public hearing is sought for March 28, 2023. A memo from Jessica Rhue, Director of Development Services, is attached.
8. Approve Minutes.
Draft minutes from the Feb. 27, 2023 work session and Feb. 28, 2023, regular meeting are provided for review and approval.
9. Presentation by Craven 100 Alliance.
As requested at the Feb. 27, 2023 work session, Jeff Wood, Director of Craven County Economic Development, will make a presentation on behalf of Craven 100 Alliance (“C1A”).
10. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement with State Employees Credit Union for the ATM in the Parking Lot at 302 Craven Street.
Ward 1) The State Employee’s Credit Union has requested renewal of the lease agreement for the ATM currently located in the City’s parking lot at 302 Craven St. This ATM provides a needed service for those who live and work in the downtown area, as well as visitors and tourists. The 12-month lease covers the period of July 1, 2022, through June 20, 2023, at a rate of $225 a month. The lease was tabled in June of 2022 to allow the city time to consider changes to the leased parking lot. The credit union has remitted regular monthly payments during this period of consideration. A memo from George Chiles, Director of Public Works, is attached.
11. Consider Adopting a Budget Ordinance Amendment for Fiscal Year 2022-23.
Ward 1) During the repointing of City Hall, the contractor observed the vibration from the activity is causing the glazing on the exterior windows to fail. This amendment appropriates $60,000 from the fund balance to reglaze and paint the windows. A memo from Kim Ostrom, Director of Finance, is attached.
12. Appointment (s).
13. Attorney’s Report.
14. City Manager’s Report.
15. New Business.
16. Closed Session.
17. Adjourn.
Individuals with disabilities requiring special assistance should call 252-639-7501 no later than 3 p.m. on the date of the meeting.
Agenda by Brenda Blanco, City Clerk
View the meeting packet with details here and watch the meeting live on City 3 TV, City 3 TV Video on Demand, the City of New Bern’s YouTube Channel, and Facebook page.
* Editor’s Note: During the Petition of Citizens, the board is not complying with N.C.G.S. §160A-81.1. Public comment period during regular meetings.
– When Jeffrey Odham became mayor, he began “doxing” citizens by reading their address before they approach the podium. The city’s ordinance reads, “Each speaker will speak from the podium, and begin their remarks by giving their name, stating whether or not they are residents of the city…”
– Citizens want the opportunity to address individual board members. The BOA’s rule to address the board as a whole restricts the content of speech. If enforced, it would violate peoples’ First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
If you want to address the board during the allotted time, sign up before the meeting starts at 6 p.m.
By Wendy Card, Co-Editor