Kindergarten registration open for Craven County Schools

Future Kindergarten students, along with their families, are invited to visit their new school on March 22nd from 3-6 pm

It is time to welcome our newest learners to Craven County Schools! The kindergarten class of 2023-2024 will graduate in the school year 2035-2036.  These children, who will have turned 5 on or before August 31, 2021, are the future.  Jobs available to them when they graduate have not even been imagined yet.  It is our responsibility to ensure they are as prepared as possible so let’s get ready, get set, and go!

Craven County Schools is offering online registration this spring to meet our families’ needs, so our new students are ready to begin school in August. With this process a parent/guardian is able to complete the required paperwork and upload any necessary documentation.  Documents such as a certified birth certificate, proof of current residential address (ex. Electric bill), picture ID, the child’s immunization records, and a current health assessment form will be requested by the school in which the child will be enrolling.  

Kindergarten teachers and elementary school principals will be available to share information with parents about the kindergarten experience on March 22, 2023, from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. at each of our elementary schools. This event is floating so parents come visit any time during this window with their soon to be kindergarten student. The visit will include the opportunity to meet staff including kindergarten teachers, tour the school campus, and meet other families attending the school.   

Parents will also learn strategies on how they can be sure their child is as prepared and ready for school.  These ideas for kindergarten prep include the following:  talk to them, read to them, give them responsibilities, and establish a routine.  On the academic side, students-to-be should practice writing their name and knowing the letters, cutting on a line, holding a pencil correctly, and being independent.  

We look forward to enrolling our future Kindergarten students! If parents have any questions about kindergarten, we encourage all to contact the principal at their child’s new school. To register online please visit:  the school district website at and on the homepage click on the student registration icon. This icon is also available on each school’s homepage.  

By Jennifer Wagner