The East Carolina Amateur Baseball League (ECABL) is expecting to field six teams in its 18-and-older division and four teams in its 35-and-older division.
Registration for the two divisions opened Jan. 14 and will continue through most of February.
Teams in each division will play a 15-game schedule, and they will cap the season off with a championship tournament. Registration is $180 per player. Players who wish to play in both divisions and are age-eligible, can register for both divisions for $300. Registration does not include uniform costs.
The 18+ Division will play its games on Sundays, while the 35+ Division will play Tuesday and Wednesday nights. All games are played at Kafer Park in downtown New Bern.
The ECABL is a wooden-bat, adult, amateur baseball league, consisting of players aged 18 to 70. The league has been in existence since 2016.
To register, or for more information about the upcoming season, visit the league’s website at ecabl.net.
By Mark McKillop