Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 886 extends our most sincere thanks and appreciation for the huge outpouring of community support for the 8th Annual Field of Flag recently displayed at Union Point Park. The Field of Flags is the Chapter’s signature community Veterans Day event. It is a time and place to honor the service and sacrifice of all veterans that have served or are now serving in the Armed Forces. This year there were 1,076 flags on display. When viewed as a whole, the Field of Flags makes a magnificent statement of veteran and community solidarity and patriotism. The flags standing tall and snapping in a brisk fall breeze were common 12 x 18-inch flags attached to a 30-inch staff. What made each one special was a white tag secured just below the shaft top with information provided by a loved one or friend noting the veteran’s name, branch of service, and time of service.
Special thanks to Rick Miller, our chapter activities chairman, Clarence and Shirley Hertzog, the event logistical support coordinators, chapter members that placed the flags, and surveyor Joe Chance for the precise layout of the field array.
Dobert Owsley, President, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 886