Dec. 3 – St. Andrew is holding a “Cookie Walk” from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., or whenever the cookies sell out. This is a fundraiser for RCS and our youth fund. What is a cookie walk? Simple! You are given a plate and a plastic glove so that you can select the cookies that appeal to you most. Price is per pound. You select, we weigh, you pay. Broken cookie samples are free! In addition to cookies and baked goods, check out the hand crafts and jewelry on display. Prices as marked.
Dec. 11 – The Fairfield Harbour Chorus presents 38th Annual Holiday Concert directed by Terry Knickerbocker and accompanied by Sydney Bell. All concerts are free and open to the community. Free will donations are appreciated. Come immerse yourself in holiday music!
By Barbara Huffman de Belón