Meeting agenda amended on Nov. 7, 2022
The Nov. 8 meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Courtroom at City Hall located at 300 Pollock St. You can also watch live on the City of New Bern’s Facebook page or watch later on City 3 TV.
1. Meeting opened by Mayor Jeffrey T. Odham. Prayer Coordinated by Alderman Royal. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approve Agenda.
4. Request and Petition of Citizens.
This section of the agenda is titled Requests and Petitions of Citizens. This is an opportunity for public comment, and we thank you for coming to the Board of Aldermen meeting tonight to share your views. We value all citizen input.
Speaker comments are limited to a maximum of 4 minutes during the public comment period. At the conclusion of 4 minutes, each speaker shall leave the podium. Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member. Although the board is interested in hearing your comments, speakers should not expect any comments, action, or deliberation from the board on any issue raised during the public comment period.
In the board’s discretion, it may refer issues to the appropriate city officials or staff for further investigation. If an organized group is present to speak on a common issue, please designate one person to present the group’s comment, which shall be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes.
* See note at bottom of agenda
Consent Agenda
5. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets for the Craven County Jaycees 2022 Christmas Parade.
(Ward 1) The Craven County Jaycees’ annual Christmas parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 3, 2022. The organization has requested that the 400-800 blocks of George Street, 300-600 blocks of Broad Street, and the 200-300 blocks of Craven Street be closed to vehicular traffic from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. It was also requested that the southside (eastbound lane) of Broad Street be closed to parking from 12 a.m. until the conclusion of the parade. A memo from Kari Warren, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation, is attached.
6. Approve minutes.
Closed session minutes September 27, 2022 and October 11, 2022 are provided for review and approval as well as minutes from the regular meeting on October 25, 2022.
7. Presentation by Eastern Carolina Council of Governments.
David Bone, Executive Director of Eastern Carolina Council of Governments, will introduce himself and describe the services provided by the organization and its vision for the future.
8. Presentation on Wreaths Across America.
Kevin Yates will make a brief presentation on Wreaths Across America, a wreath laying ceremony to take place at the New Bern National Cemetery and Greenwood Cemetery on Dec. 17. Mr. Yates will be requesting the City’s assistance once again with providing busing services and possibly dumpsters and an escort.
9. Consider Adopting a Resolution for the Sole Source Purchase of Fencing from Coastal Fence Company for the Riverwalk Fence Replacement Project.
(Ward 1) Parks and Recreation has previously replaced fencing along the riverwalk from the boardwalk at the Union Point foot bridge to the Convention Center. Additional fencing will be replaced along the riverwalk adjacent to the Grand Marina. This is a special fencing only available through one local distributor, Coastal Fence Company. It is requested that the Board authorize the use of this sole source vendor pursuant to NCGS 143-129(6)(3), which allows an exception for bidding the purchase. A memo from Mrs. Warren is enclosed.
10. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Declare Property Located at 304 and 308 South Front Street as Surplus and Establish a Minimum Bid.
(Ward 1) After a suggestion was made at the Aug. 09, 2022 meeting, the Board gave direction to post signage on the “Talbots” lots advertising them for sale. At its retreat on November 03, 2022, the Board subsequently discussed a minimum bid of $750,000 for the two parcels. The proposed resolution will officially deem the properties as surplus, make them available to the public through the upset bid process outlined in NCGS §160A-269, and establish a minimum bid of $750,000.
11. Appointments.
The two alternate seats on the Board of Adjustment are vacant. The Board is asked to make appointments to fill the remainder of these terms, which expire on June 30, 2023. Appointees must reside within the city limits of New Bern and should have a background in land ownership and development issues.
12. Attorney’s Report.
14. City Manager’s Report.
15. New Business.
15. Closed Session.
16. Adjourn.
Individuals with disabilities requiring special assistance should call 639-2931 no later than 3 p.m. the date of the meeting.
Read the full packet here.
By Brenda Blanco, City Clerk
* Editor’s Note: During the Petition of Citizens (POC), the board has two rules that have been troublesome to some who have voiced their opinions or would like to. One — the mayor asks people to state their name and address. In the past, former Alderman Bengel would talk about citizens and stated their addresses on her Internet/radio show. She received the information when they addressed the board during Petition of Citizens or a public hearing. This has been perceived as intimidating. The other pertains to addressing the board, “Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member.” The Board of Aldermen can have these rules in place, but they cannot enforce them because it would infringe on peoples’ First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
On May 10, 2021, I asked the BOA to consider changing the rules as outlined in this article. People want to participate but are apprehensive.
If you want to address the board tomorrow, sign up before the meeting starts at 6 p.m. at City Hall located on the corner of Pollock and Craven Streets.
By Wendy Card, Editor