AMENDED: Email received at 4:38 p.m. on August 12, 2022
1. Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw. Prayer Coordinated by Mayor Outlaw. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Consent Agenda
4. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Rezone 3603 Neuse Boulevard C-4 to C-3.
(Ward 4) The owner of 3603 Neuse Boulevard has requested to rezone the 0.92+/ acre parcel from C-4 Neighborhood Business District to C-3 Commercial District. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved this request at their August 4, 2022 meeting. It is requested a public hearing be scheduled for September 13, 2022. A memo from Matt Schelly, Interim Director of Development Services, is attached along with a map of the site area.
5. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Rezone Tax Parcel IDs 8-210-11002, 8-210-11003, 8-210-11004, 8-210-11006, 8-210-11009, 8-210-11010, and 8-210-23000 from A-SF, A-5, and R-10 to R-6.
(Ward 6) The owner of seven parcels off Trent Creek Road totaling 413.39 +/- acres has requested to rezone the property from A5-F Agricultural Forestry District, R-10 Residential District, and R-10A Residential District to R-6 Residential. The parcels are adjacent to the Craeberne Forest development. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved this request at their August 4, 2022 meeting. It is requested a public hearing be scheduled for September 13, 2022. A memo from Mr. Schelly is attached along with a map of the site area.
6. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Rezone 601 Third Avenue from R-6 to C-3.
(Ward 2) The City is requested to rezone two parcels totaling 4.139 +/- acres which are currently split zoned as C-4 Neighborhood Business District and R-6 Residential to one zoning of C-3 Commercial District. This property is the site of the new Stanley White Recreation Center. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved this request at their August 4, 2022 meeting. It is requested a public hearing be scheduled for September 13, 2022. A memo from Mr. Schelly is attached along with a map of the site area.
7. Approve Minutes.
Draft minutes from the July 12, 2022 closed session and August 09, 2022 regular meeting are provided for review and approval.
9. Sine Die Adjournment.
1. Administration of Oath of Office to Mayor.
The oath of office will be administered to the Mayor.
2. Administration of Oath of Office to Aldermen.
The oath of office will be administered to each Alderman.
3. Meeting opened by Mayor Jeffrey T. Odham. Prayer Coordinated by Mayor Odham. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Roll Call.
5. Approval of Agenda.
6. Comments by Board Members Followed by Brief Reception.
This is an opportunity for the Board to make initial remarks to their fellow Board members, City Staff, and constituents. At the conclusion of the comments, a motion is needed to recess for a brief reception.
7. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore and Administration of Oath.
The Board will appoint a Mayor Pro Tern to perform mayoral duties in the absence of the Mayor.
8. Adjourn.
By Brenda Blanco, City Clerk