Monday, June 6, the next regular session meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Craven County Administration Building, 406 Craven St., New Bern.
The Board will conduct a public hearing, as advertised, to receive public input on the proposed FY 2022-2023 budget, which has been available to the public in the County Manager’s office and on the County’s website since May 16, 2022.
Board Action: Receive information
Comments directly pertaining to items on the agenda of any regularly scheduled meeting of the Board shall be made during an agenda comment period occurring at the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting. Comments during this period shall be limited to those comments directly pertaining to items on the agenda for such meeting.
Each speaker must address the Board as a whole (and not any individual Commissioner, County staff member or the audience) from the lectern and shall begin his or her remarks by giving his or her name and address and the topic about which they intend to speak. Each speaker will have three (3) minutes to make remarks, as measured by a timer operated by County staff. A speaker may not yield any of his or her time to another speaker.
Speakers must be courteous in their language and presentation, and must abide by generally accepted standards of decorum. Speakers shall not make the same or repetitive comments, whether during a particular comment period or over the course of multiple comment periods. Speakers shall not attack or insult any person or group of people, and speakers shall not give belligerent or hostile comments during any comment period.
Board Action: Receive information
A. Minutes of May 16, 2022 Regular Session; Minutes of May 19, 2022 Reconvened Session; Minutes of May 20, 2022 Reconvened Session
The Board will be requested to approve the minutes of May 16, 2022 regular session and May 19th and May 20th Reconvened Sessions, as shown in Attachment #3.A.
B. Tax Releases and Refunds
The Board will be requested to approve the tax releases and refunds, as shown in Attachment #3.B.
C. Request for Public Hearing – Project Marlin
Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 158-7.1, Craven County (hereinafter “County”) intends to convey for economic development purposes a fee simple interest in a +/- nine (9) acre tract (hereinafter “Tract”) of land, the Tract being a portion of Lot 19 in the Craven County Industrial Park. The value of the Tract is Twenty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($20,000.00) an acre, for a total value of One Hundred Eighty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($180,000.00), and the County intends to convey and sell same for such value. The County believes the proposed conveyance will stimulate and stabilize the local economy, result in the creation of a substantial number of new permanent jobs in the County, and result in increased tax revenues to the County. The purchaser, an LLC to be created by local businessmen, intends to invest in a shell building based off of the positive developments that has transpired in the industrial park including the development and construction of multiple buildings since the shell building built by the Craven 100 Alliance in 2019.
The Economic Development Department requests that the Craven County Board of Commissioners hold a public hearing on these matters on or shortly after 8:30 a.m. on Monday, June 20th, 2022 in the Commissioners’ Room in the Craven County Administration Building, and all interested persons are invited to attend and present their views.
D. Request for Public Hearing – Project Blue Fin (Building Reuse Grant)
Project Blue Fin is a local manufacturer, White River Marine, who announced plans to invest $34 million dollars in real estate, machining & equipment in its existing facility and create and maintain over 500 jobs in five years. To assist in this investment, the North Carolina Department of Commerce has pre-approved White River Marine for a $500,000 building reuse grant under the Rural Infrastructure Authority and the Rural Economic Development Division to be provided to Craven County to assist in the construction activities at their facility in New Bern.
Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 158-7.1, The Economic Development Department requests that the Craven County Board of Commissioners hold a public hearing on these matters at 8:30 am or soon thereafter on Monday, June 20th, 2022 in the Commissioners’ Room of the Craven County Administration Building, and all interested persons are invited to attend and present their views.
E. Renewal of County Administration Parking Lot Lease
For Fiscal Year 21-22, Craven County Government was able to add additional parking spaces to the annual parking lease with the Sudan Shriners. This added 74 additional spaces to the traditional 64 spaces that the County has leased for a number of years. County staff has made improvements to the new parking lot in the form of planters, signage, and repainting of the parking space lines. This additional parking has been utilized on a number of occasions over the last year in relation to election voting and for judicial services.
Attachment #3.E contains a renewed lease agreement that is for Fiscal Year 22-23. It is the same agreement from last year that was drafted and reviewed by the County Attorney and the attorney for the Shriner organization. The terms of this lease are the same as the previous lease agreements, $25 per space per month. This calculates to an annual payment of $41,400 that is payable in advance on the day the lease commences, July 1, 2022. This lease is an annual lease and the leadership at the Shriner organization has indicated that they are eager to continue this agreement as they develop their plans for the future of their facility.
F. Medical Examiner Budget Amendment
Craven County has experienced an increase in the number of autopsies performed by the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office. Expenditures year to date are running 8% ahead of last fiscal year and are projected to exceed original budget estimates. The current fee for each autopsy performed is $1,750. It is estimated that $5,000 will be needed through the remainder of this fiscal year.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as
Attachment #3.F, in the amount of $5,000.
G. Elections Budget Amendment
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as
Attachment #3.G, in the amount of $1,800, for legal advertising for the July 26, 2022 City of New Bern Run-off. This is a reimbursable expense from the City of New Bern. The election was not anticipated.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the consent agenda items
Clayton Gaskins, Chairman, will present the recommended funding allocations from the Craven Aging Planning Board (CAPB) Budget Committee for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG), as shown in Attachment #4.
Board Action: Approve recommended budget
5. SHERIFF: Chip Hughes
A. Jail – Medical Budget Amendment
The Craven County Detention Center has experienced an unexpected increase in inmate medical bills this year. By the end of the fiscal year, if the trend continues, this account is projected to reach over $1,100,000 by July. The line is currently over budget by $274,894.97 and this office is requesting funds to be moved to this line to cover the deficit.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.A, in the amount of $450,000.
B. Jail – Inmate Welfare Budget Amendment
The Craven County Detention Center has experienced an unexpected increase in inmate intake this year, causing an increase in commissary items purchased. The budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.B., in the amount of $90,000, is being requested to add funds needed to pay Oasis invoices for inmate commissary items for the months of April through June.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment; a roll call vote is needed
6. FINANCE: Craig Warren, Finance Director
A. Register of Deeds Budget Amendment
The Register of Deeds collects a real estate excise tax on all real property transactions recorded. Of the amount collected, approximately 48% is remitted to the NC Dept. of Revenue, monthly. Additionally, 1.5% of all fees collected by the ROD, excluding excise tax, are required to be set aside for the ROD supplemental pension fund. Collections to date are running ahead of schedule, creating a projected shortage in the portion remitted to the State and the ROD pension line. It is estimated that $254,000 will be needed through the remainder of the fiscal year.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as Attachment #6.A, in the amount of $254,000.
B. Occupancy Tax Budget Amendment
Occupancy tax collections county wide for the current year are running approximately 49.5% ahead of last year’s collections and have already exceeded original budget estimates. As a result of the increased collections, the portion of occupancy taxes collected by the County and remitted to the Tourism Development Authority (TDA) will also exceed original budget estimates. It is estimated that an additional $175,000 in budgeted revenue and corresponding expenditure will be needed in order to continue remitting the TDA’s portion through the end of the fiscal year.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as Attachment #6.B, in the amount of $175,000.
C. Rescue Squads Budget Amendment
Ambulance service fees billed and collected by the County on behalf of the following rescue squads are anticipated to exceed original budget projections. It is estimated that an additional $154,000 will be needed in order to continue remitting the squad payments through the end of the fiscal year.
The projected increases in revenue estimates by squad are $14,000 for New Bern Craven Rescue, $4,000 for Fort Barnwell, $32,000 for Bridgeton Rescue, $17,000 for Vanceboro, $2,000 for Cove City Rescue, and $85,000 for Township #7. Attachment #6.C contains a budget amendment which reflects these increases for each squad along with the corresponding expenditures.
D. Public School Building Capital Fund Application
Each year both the Board of Education and the Board of County Commissioners jointly approve a project application to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. This application is required in order to draw down lottery proceeds that have been allocated to Craven County by the State in the Public School Building Capital Fund. These funds are restricted and can only be used for school construction projects or to retire debt incurred as a result of school construction projects.
A copy of the application is shown as Attachment #6.D.
Board Action: Approve application; a roll call vote is needed
A. Pending
B. Current
C. Upcoming
Board Action: Appointments will be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified.
A. Pending:
Community Child Protection Team
Craven County Board of Adjustments
Craven County Clean Sweep
Board of Equalization and Review
B. Current:
Craven Aging Planning Board – seeks reappointment
- Anita Douglas – Client Rep
Emergency Medical Services – seeks reappointment
- Candace Pereira (New Bern Police Dept. 911)
- Tony David Fischer (See Attachment #7.B) replacing Capt. Jeff Fedyna
Fire Tax Commissioners – not seeking reappointment
- Sandy Hammer – Township 5 Harlowe
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – seeks reappointment
- Susan Hall (Trillium)
C. UPCOMING: Terms Expiring July, 2022
River Bend Board of Adjustment
- Frederick (Rick) Fisher (alternate)
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
- William Swain (Craven County Schools)
- Catherine Hardison (Non-Profit)
Emergency Medical Services
- Chad Bradicich (Elite Medical Transport)
- Tim Brazemore (Coastal Medical Transport)
Craven County ABC Board – appoint Chairperson
- Chip Chagnon
- Denny Bucher
- Kathleen Cook
Craven County Planning Board
- Tom Lelli (District 1)
Fire Tax Commissioners Board
- Sue Arthurs (TWP 6)
The County previously received and approved an offer to purchase this real property, in the amount of $1,200.00, subject to the completion of the upset bid process. The offer was advertised, and there were no upset bids, the final bid being $1,200.00. The upset bid period has now expired, and the County Attorney recommends approval of the conveyance at the purchase price of $1,200.00. The County originally acquired this property through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $3,067.01. The tax value of this property is $2,250.00.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the resolution, shown as Attachment #8.A, should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving conveyance after expiration of upset bid period.
The City of New Bern has requested that the County (a) agree to pay a pro-rata share of the costs of demolishing the structure located on this property or (b) convey the County’s interest so that the City becomes responsible for the total cost of demolition. The property was acquired jointly with the City of New Bern through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $4,309.40. The tax value of this property is $18,000.00. Attachment #8.B contains copies of the Foreclosure Deed, GIS information, and proposed resolution approving the conveyance of the County’s ownership to the City of New Bern.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the proposed resolution should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents.
Board Action: Consider adoption of resolution approving the conveyance of the County’s interest to the City of New Bern.
The County has received an offer in the amount of $4,500.00 for this real property, which was acquired jointly with the City of New Bern through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $1,914.21. The tax value of this property is $9,000.00. Attachment #8.C contains copies of the Offer to Purchase, Foreclosure Deed, GIS information, and proposed resolution approving the offer and authorizing the upset bid process.
Note that this property is jointly owned with the City of New Bern, which has already approved this initial offer.
Should the Board of Commissioners approve this transaction, the proposed resolution should be adopted, which will in turn authorize advertisement for upset bids. Once the upset bid process is concluded, this transaction will be brought back before the Board of Commissioners for final approval.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving transaction and authorizing upset bid process.
Comments directly pertaining to policies or issues which are under the statutory or administrative authority of the Board shall be made during a general comment period occurring at the end of each regularly scheduled meeting. Comments during this period shall be limited to those comments directly pertaining to issues which are under the statutory or administrative authority of the Board.
Each speaker must address the Board as a whole (and not any individual Commissioner, County staff member or the audience) from the lectern and shall begin his or her remarks by giving his or her name and address and the topic about which they intend to speak. Each speaker will have three (3) minutes to make remarks, as measured by a timer operated by County staff. A speaker may not yield any of his or her time to another speaker.
Speakers must be courteous in their language and presentation, and must abide by generally accepted standards of decorum. Speakers shall not make the same or repetitive comments, whether during a particular comment period or over the course of multiple comment periods. Speakers shall not attack or insult any person or group of people, and speakers shall not give belligerent or hostile comments during any comment period.
Board Action: Receive information
By Alison Newcombe, Administrative Secretary, Craven County Manager’s Office