Downtown streets will be closed to traffic today and tomorrow — June 17 and 18 to accommodate activities associated with the Great Trent River Raft Race, Juneteenth celebrations, and Camp Weekend.
Wondering what Camp Weekend is? It’s a busy weekend when many families come to New Bern from out of town and drop their kids off at Camps in Arapahoe and Pamlico County, NC.
You may want to consider moving your vehicle by 4:30 p.m. to prevent being blocked in. You will be able to get out, but restaurant employees will have to move tables and chairs and barricades will have to be moved. We’ve been told this can be an embarrassing situation for drivers.
According to Swiss Bear, Inc. “On Friday and Saturday nights from 5:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m., streets will be open for Pedestrians, Dining and Music, and closed for vehicular traffic. Friday will include the 200-300 block of Middle, as well as the 300-400 block of Pollock for FREE musical entertainment from the Wannabees, performing from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Saturday will include closures for only the 200-300 block of Middle.”
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By Wendy Card, Editor