Video: New Bern BOA enters into MOU with New Bern Historic, LLC

Petition of Citizens at New Bern Board of Aldermen Meeting
Petition of Citizens at New Bern Board of Aldermen Meeting

Last night, February 8, 2022, New Bern’s City Hall courtroom was packed during the board of aldermen meeting. There was a large community outcry for transparency from the Mayor and Aldermen.

Citizens petitioned the board not to go forward with adopting agenda item #11 because they felt it was being rushed through without community input.

As with every meeting, the City sends out the agenda on Friday afternoon before the Tuesday meeting. A lot of residents believe that is not enough time to research and ask questions to elected officials and city staff as their offices are closed on the weekend.

The board could have tabled the agenda item, but disregarded request and entered into the Memorandum of Understanding with New Bern Historic, LLC. Includes: Elk’s Temple Building (301 Middle St.), Vacant Lots at the Corner of Craven and S. Front Sts., and Union Point Park Development Site, the New Bern Board of Aldermen voted 4 – 3 to approve the resolution and adopt the MOU.

* Note: New Bern Historic, LLC is a Delaware based company that was established on December 15, 2021. It is NOT affiliated with the New Bern Historical Society.

If you missed the meeting, watch what happened:

Explanation of MOU between New Bern Historic, LLC by the City Attorney Michael Scott Davis and City Manager Foster Hughes:

Petition of Citizens (related to item #11):

Discussion and Vote:

Financial Disclosure:

Citizens have started a petition related to the development of Union Point Park.

There will be a Save the Park rally at Union Point Park on Saturday, February 12 from 11 – 1 p.m.

Let us know if you have any comments by sending an email.

By Wendy Card