The Jacksonville Vet Center in partnership with Dixon-Conderman Veterans of Foreign War Post 2514 celebrate a ribbon cutting for Veterans Readjustment Counseling Services. The counseling is conducted on Tuesdays at the VFW Post 2514 facility located at 3850 Butler Rd., New Bern.
It includes individual, group, and family/marital counseling offered to eligible veterans of all wars and spouses in an effort to make a successful transition from combat deployments to peacetime military service or civilian life. Veterans eligible for counseling are servicemen and women that have served in a combat zone, experienced Military Sexual Trauma regardless of combat status, dealt directly with treatment of combat casualties, or members of a drone crew who participated in combat related missions from outside the theater area of hostilities.
The initial counseling meeting addresses specific types of counseling options, eligibility requirements, and scope services. There is no cost for Readjustment Counseling Services.
For more information contact Robert Webster at the Jacksonville Vet Center 910-577-1100. If available, please provide a copy of your DD Form-214.
By Dobert Owsley, Craven County Veterans Council