Barnhill Garden Cottage breaks ground

Barnhill Cottage Ground Breaking

A ground-breaking ceremony for Tryon Palace’s new garden cottage building was held on September 8th. The new facility will be named after Robert and Penny Barnhill, Jr. of Barnhill Contracting Company, who generously contributed to the project. All funding for the Barnhill Garden Cottage was raised privately through the Tryon Palace Foundation.

Jeannie Tyson, President of the Foundation, spearheaded the project after visiting the current facility and vowed, “If there is one thing I am going to do while on this Board, it is to raise the funds to replace this building!”  Now a reality, at the ceremony she said, “I am grateful to Bob and Penny Barnhill and the other donors who gave generously to make this happen.”

Construction of the new facility should begin in October and be completed in less than a year.

By Nancy Figiel, Public Affairs Director, Tryon Palace