“Embracing the Warriors Journey with Pride”
September 2 – 5th, 2021
We would like to announce that the J. T. Barber High School Class of 1970 has proudly served the New Bern community since graduating on June 3, 1970, and remains committed to educational, cultural, and civic activities that enrich our community through public service. This year we are honored to commemorate 50 years, a historical milestone since graduating from this African-American institution, with our supportive partners and associations, and the community at-large. This monumental event will be held on September 2, 2021, at the North Carolina History Center at Tryon Palace, 529 S. Front St, New Bern, NC. We encourage you to join us and cover this newsworthy event and related activities occurring over the weekend. We expect this to be a treat for the entire community.
Our celebration will focus on sharing our stories to include struggles, pride and perseverance in our own voices 50 years later. We, along with our sponsors, hope to unveil a historical marker that capture and bottle our experiences. It is our hope that this model can be used to inspire students in our community to strive for excellence and, likewise, provide a record of our living history that can be extended into the future.
Below is the weekend agenda. We invite you to attend all events and look forward to your participation and covering these events.
The Theme is “Embracing the Warriors Journey with Pride” — The John Thomas Barber High School Stories
Thursday, 2nd
Opening of the John Thomas Barber Exhibit at the History Center (Tryon Palace) 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 3rd
– Tour of John Thomas Barber Elementary School – 1:00 p.m.
– The Meet and Greet at the Flame hosted by Carolyn Gaskins, Class of 1970 members
Saturday, 4th
– The Motorcade starting at 8:00 a.m.
– The Unveiling of the JTB Historical Marker on West Street starting 11:00 a.m. and
– The JTB Class of 1970 Formal/Semi formal Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Class group pictures taken at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, 5th
– Worship Service at Ebenezer Presbyterian Church on 720 Bern Street (11 a.m.) Class Group Pictures on the steps of the church after service.
– The Class Picnic starts at 2:30 p.m.
For more information, call Linda Simmons-Henry, Chair at 919-889-8212.
Submitted by Linda Simmons-Henry