Updated Guidance to Help Reduce Quarantine Time for Students and Staff

Craven County Schools

Based on the number of individuals that are currently quarantined, the district is providing directives to help mitigate the spread of COVID. This is an attempt to reduce the number of students and staff that will have to quarantine due to potential exposure to a positive individual. Please remember that a close contact is defined as an individual who has been within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes cumulatively over a 24-hour period.

  • Masks MUST be worn by ALL students and staff appropriately and consistently (fits snug to the face; fully covering the nose, mouth and chin) during the school day. (Masks are optional while participating in physical activity indoors and outdoors, however, please note this does not prevent or eliminate someone from having to be quarantined.) If masks were being worn appropriately and consistently by both the person with COVID-19 and the potentially exposed person, the exposed person does NOT need to quarantine (unless they are exhibiting symptoms).

Quarantine Time

When an individual tests positive or is identified as a close contact (an individual who has been within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes cumulatively over a 24-hour period) to an individual who has tested positive, the following quarantine duration will be followed:

  • 10 Calendar Days of quarantine have been completed and no symptoms have been reported during daily at home monitoring
  • 7 Calendar Days of quarantine have been completed, NO symptoms have been reported during daily at home monitoring, and the individual has received results of a PCR (NAAT)/molecular test on a test taken on day 5 or later of the quarantine period. Parents will be required to sign an attestation form confirming no symptoms have taken place at home and provide a copy of the dated negative test to return to school. The student will not be allowed to attend school or ride the school bus until the required paperwork is submitted and confirmed by the school nurse.
  • Fully vaccinated (meaning 14 days after their second shot) staff and students who are not experiencing any symptoms will not have to quarantine.

Learning While Out on Quarantine

  • Information will be communicated to parents/guardians and students on how to access work and academic assistance while quarantined. Work must be made available students in the designated learning management system (Google Classroom, SeeSaw, Canvas). Students and parents should contact the teacher(s) if assistance is needed during the absence. In the event that an entire class is quarantined the teacher must provide virtual instruction via Zoom.

Guidance Regarding Extracurricular Activities and Athletics

Effective immediately, the district will be taking the following factors into consideration when determining the need to quarantine individuals/teams in the event of an individual testing positive. While masks are optional when participating in physical activity, if an individual tests positive and fellow teammates chose not to wear a mask and are not FULLY vaccinated, all that are considered close contacts will be required to quarantine.

  • If masks have been worn both appropriately and consistently (fits snug to the face; fully covering the nose, mouth, and chin) by all individuals during the entire time (indoors and outdoors) while participating in the extracurricular activity, students and staff will not have to quarantine when an individual tests positive. Only the positive individual will be required to quarantine.
  • If 2 or more participants test positive during the quarantine period, the entire group will be required to quarantine for the full ten days to reduce the exposure to others. (See quarantine times above)
  • If an event/game is scheduled the day an individual reports they have tested positive, the event/game will be postponed until contract tracing has been completed.

It is the goal of Craven County Schools to keep children and staff in school as safely as possible. We will continue to evaluate the implemented COVID protocols to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

By Jennifer Wagner, Director of Public Relations