Upper Neuse
Smithfield Town Commons and Neuse Golf Club failed their Swim Guide tests this week. Take precautions if recreating at these sites. All other sites were good to go!
Lower Neuse
The Lower Neuse had seven of 17 sites on the Lower Neuse failed this week: Oak Bluff Road, Kinston N.C. Highway 22 boat access, Havelock boat ramp on Slocum Creek, Lawson Park in New Bern, and Midyette Street, Pierce Creek and Rice Creek in Oriental all tested positive for fecal bacteria at numbers exceeding the recommended state and federal criteria for recreation.
After a good water-quality run for most of the summer, five sites on the Tar-Pamlico River failed the Swim Guide test this week: Port Terminal and Town Common in Greenville, Yankee Hall at Pactolus, and Havens Garden and Mason’s Landing in Washington.
Happy swimming, folks!
Be sure to check the Swim Guide every Friday for updated water quality results!
Visit soundrivers.org/swimguide for more information!
Via Sound Rivers