Four sites in the Upper Neuse/upper Tar-Pamlico watersheds tested at levels unsafe for recreation, according to state and federal standards: Buffaloe Road, Anderson Point, Clayton River Walk and Smithfield Town Commons.
Seven sites in the Lower Neuse tested positive for E. coli at levels unsafe for recreation, exceeding state and federal standards: Oak Bluff Road, Highway 11 boat ramp in Kinston, Slocum Creek boat ramp in Havelock, Pollocksville, Brice’s Creek, and Midyette Street and Rice Creek in Oriental.
Two sites along the Tar-Pamlico tested at levels unsafe for recreation: Port Terminal in Greenville and Havens Garden in Washington.
We recommend using caution while recreating in these waters over the weekend. Have fun and stay safe folks!
Be sure to check the Swim Guide every Friday for updated water quality results!
Visit soundrivers.org/swimguide for more information!
Via Sound Rivers