Happy Birthday: Scott Bertling (6/3), Roy Smith (6/4), Larry Feldhaus (6/5), Brittany Spear (6/5), Susan Milliron (6/6), Judy Avery (6/6), Jennifer Bertling (6/8), Mitchie Faustino (6/8), Camille Klotz (6/8), Flora Moorman (6/8), Dayton Vesper (6/8), Sabrina Bengel (6/9), Phil Knight (6/10), and Marty Pitcairn (6/10)

Happy Anniversary: Bethany Richards and Doug Townshend celebrated 10 years together (6/2)
In Memory of: Edward Jermaine Hall, 50, New Bern (5/27), Mary Love Tyndall, 72, New Bern (5/27), Darlene Romero, 58, New Bern (5/28), Bessie Martin Burton, 95, Havelock (5/30), Rosemary “Ro” A. Engeman, 96, New Bern (5/30), Sandra Jean Jefferson, 81, New Bern (5/30), Adelia Reece Norman, infant, Reelsboro (5/30), Randall “Randy” Ardell Scott, 60, Bridgeton (5/30), Dan “Max” Lee Maxhimer Jr., 59, New Bern (5/31), Gloria Lupton, 80, New Bern (6/1), Kip Leroy Stewart, 56, New Bern (6/2), Shadayah Za’Kenya George, infant, Havelock (6/2), Mitchelene Hooten Jenkins, 60, New Bern (6/3), Sabra Fulcher “Pinkie” Willis, 92, Baboro (5/29), Gertrude R. Roest, 90, New Bern (5/29), and Hazel B. Magee, 80, New Bern (6/1)
Nonprofit News:
The African American Heritage and Culture Center (AAHC) “actively presents the historic impact and progression of African American heritage and culture in our region.” With partner organizations, neighborhood groups, musicians, artists and historians, we will re-launch our Monthly Community Forums in Fall 2021. At this time, we are developing an Oral History Library with interviews and stories from individuals retelling stories of important events and their heritage on a digital platform. AAHC is a collaborator in the upcoming JUNETEENTH of New Bern events, kicked off with the NB Civic Theatre production of SANKOFA. See the link below. For more information, program collaborations and to support AAHC, visit AfricanAmericanHeritageandCulture.org. – Carrie Gallagher
Send us your announcements and photos (i.e. births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, retirements, obituaries, etc.) that happened between June 3 – June 10 or upcoming birthdays and events June 10 – June 17.
By Wendy Card