Our first drum circle is Sunday, April 11 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Union Point Park near the gazebo.
Bring something to keep rhythm (drum, Tupperware and a wooden spoon or any other percussion instrument) with and something to sit on … plus a happy willingness to communicate with other community members!
All events begin at 6 p.m., are at Union Point Park near the gazebo and normally the first Sunday except when it falls on a holiday (April and July). Drum circles held rain or shine (under cover at the Gazebo if raining).
Sunday, April 11
Sunday, May 2
Sunday, June 6
Sunday, July 11
Sunday, August 1
Sunday, September 5
Sunday, October 3
Sunday, November 7
Carol A. More, Coordinator, New Bern Drum Circle