![Aerial Photo by Joe Hughes](https://newbernnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Aerial-Photo-by-Joe-Hughes-1024x367.jpg)
Today’s weather: High 68 °F/Low 56 °F. More clouds in store today, but only a 20% chance of showers. Expect winds from the northeast from 11 to 13 mph. Tonight it will still be cloudy but the winds will die down. – National Weather Service
Looking for something to do? Here are events happening today in and around town:
March 18 – 28: Neuse River Bridge Run (Virtually Anywhere).
March 20 – April 4: City Wide New Bern Egg Scavenger Hunt. Call 636-3381.
March 20 – April 3: Easter Rock Hunt in Downtown New Bern (If you find a rock, bring it into The Accidental Artist for a reward. Call 634-3411.)
Fast facts: “In 1804, the Bank of Cape Fear and the Bank of New Bern were chartered. They were the first banks in NC.” – NC Museum of History.org
Local interest: Green treefrogs are found primarily in the Coastal Plain, where they can be extremely abundant along wetland margins and in swamps. During the day, green treefrogs hide under waterside vegetation or in other moist, shady areas. At night, they forage for flying insects, often performing acrobatic maneuvers as they jump from branch to branch. Egg masses are attached to vegetation at or near the water’s surface. Tadpoles transform in about eight weeks. – Herps of NC.org
Poetry Fix:
And indeed, there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” by T.S. Eliot
ARIES (March–April 20)
Individuals born under this sign jump into things. When seeking help from an Aries friend, be ready to begin immediately; they will want to get started right away. If the details are not final, they can help with the planning; be sure that you have something for them to do now. Otherwise, wait to involve this individual until everything is set to move forward. Be ready to begin immediately; Aries will want to get started right away.
Share your stories, events, and announcements with us by sending us an email.
Have a great day!
By Sarah Foster