New Bern Historical Society Event Adapts for Safety
Yes, the New Bern Historical Society knows where all the skeletons in New Bern are buried! And they’ll share some of those hidden secrets during the 30th Annual Ghostwalk, “Tales from the Underground,” October 22 – 24. This year’s Ghostwalk will bring you the same great 13 vignettes featuring some of New Bern’s most intriguing historical characters telling their fascinating tales. But with the challenges and restrictions of the pandemic in place, you can expect major changes in the structure of this year’s event.
A safely reimagined, all-outdoor Live Ghostwalk will take place at Cedar Grove Cemetery on Queen Street, October 22 – 24 from 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. Tickets will be good for one evening and you will pick an arrival time either early or later in the evening. The 13 ghost sites will be arrayed along three separate loops in Cedar Grove Cemetery, each with a separate entrance and exit. Small groups will be led through the two-hour walking tour by ghostly guides.
This year brings the exciting premier of Virtual Ghostwalk, which you’ll be able to enjoy in the comfort and safety of your home. Beginning October 22, you’ll be able to watch the professionally produced video including all 13 intriguing historical characters on your computer, tablet or phone.
“Ghostwalk has been one of New Bern’s favorite annual traditions and our most important fundraiser for 30 years,” explains Historical Society Executive Director Mickey Miller. “We very much want to continue to share New Bern’s fascinating stories, but with the pandemic and restrictions in effect, we have had to dramatically change the Ghostwalk experience in order to keep the community and our volunteers safe.”
Safety will indeed be paramount at Cedar Grove Cemetery. All Ghostwalk attendees will be required to wear a mask and practice safe distancing. Other safety measures include paperless ticketing and smaller groups. Three cemetery loops with separate entrances will reduce lines and waiting.
Tickets for both live and virtual Ghostwalk will go on sale to the public October 1. Live Ghostwalk tickets are $18 for adults and include a complimentary link to watch the virtual show. Or you can enjoy the virtual Ghostwalk show alone for just $8. Details can be found at GhostwalkNewBern.com or by calling the New Bern Historical Society at 252-638-8558.
The mission of the New Bern Historical Society is to celebrate and promote New Bern and its heritage through events and education. Offices are located in the historic Attmore-Oliver House at 511 Broad Street in New Bern. For more information, call 252-638-8558 or go NewBernHistorical.org or Facebook.com/NewBernHistoricalSociety.
Submitted by: Kathy Morrison on behalf of Mickey Miller