Creekside Elementary Teachers arranged for their Students to learn about Constitution Week through Tryon Palace re-enactments and stepping back in time during Constitution Week!
They took a field trip to Tryon Palace and enjoyed the Commemorative March by the Sons of the American Revolution. What better way to celebrate the Constitution as the Palace is the landmark for North Carolina’s First Colonial Capital!
Did you know?
– New Bern Native, Richard Dobbs Spaight signed the Constitution.
– New Bernian, Gertrude Carraway, was instrumental in establishing National Constitution Week.
The Richard Dobbs Spaight Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution provided the information about Constitution Day to the Teachers.
Special thanks to Teachers Liz Henderson, Ashley McDaniel, and Rebekah Cianfagilone for thinking outside the box and emphasizing the importance of celebrating the Constitution!
Watch their video produced by Art Teacher, Ashely McDaniel, to learn more.
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