The Molasses Creek Band from Ocracoke Island will be playing at the Farmer’s Market in downtown New Bern on Sunday, September 15, 2019.
Tickets $15 each, (no ticket is required for children 12 and under).
This is a fund raiser to repair the sanctuary of the St. Andrew Lutheran Church at 1605 Neuse Blvd.
Get your tickets early! Contact Peg Brown Messier 252-637-5879 or via email to standrew1605@suddenlinkmail.com. If you will be paying by check, please make them payable to: St. Andrew Lutheran Church and note “tickets” in the memo. Cash or checks only.
Their press release:
Nobody puts Molasses Creek in a box. That may be because of their claustrophobia and personal space issues. But it has manifested in a 26 year run of unpredictable and delightful musical choices. Each member contributes ideas and original music. They move between whimsical and sincere in a way that makes you believe that balancing both might be the key to life. Molasses Creek up — blood pressure down. Try it. It works. ~ Louis Allen
For 26 years, Molasses Creek’s high-energy performances and heartfelt songwriting has brought the love of their coastal home of Ocracoke Island, NC to the stage. The band’s elegant harmonies and arrangements, stellar songwriting, blazing instrumentals, and quirky sense of humor have won loyal followers throughout the United States and around the world.
Visit MolassesCreek.com for more information.
Submitted by: Peg Brown Messier, Administrative Assistant, St. Andrew Lutheran Church