If you like kayak, Stand-up or canoe paddling, join other enthusiasts at Paddle for HD on Saturday, May 30. It seems odd to mix an unknown, misunderstood disease with an absolutely gorgeous day on the water, but here’s why they are a perfect combination:
HD Paddle provides opportunities to have discussions about Huntington’s disease, literally, out in the open, while also learning about the flora and fauna of Upper Broad Creek.
Historically, people with HD kept it secret. Meanwhile the genetic, neurodegenerative disease slowly destroyed their ability to speak, talk and move.
As a result of this secrecy as well as misdiagnosis, few organizations in the U.S. directly serve families faced with HD. North Carolina is fortunate to have HD Reach, a non-profit organization providing information, resources and support to families all over the state who once had nowhere to turn.
HD Reach works hard to directly improve the lives of NC families with HD. The organization itself is supported entirely through donations, so, while there’s no entry fee for HD Paddle, you’ll have the chance to learn more about HD Reach and make a donation while you’re there.
Learn all the particulars at paddleforhd.wordpress.com.
HD Reach is a non-profit organization providing information, resources and support for NC families faced with Huntington’s Disease. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2000. The license is not an endorsement by the State. CSL #009057
Submitted by: Sarah Foster