Watch the video interview to learn about a terrific cause – Patriot Golf Day at the Emerald Golf Club!
This is the Golf Club’s 5th year hosting Patriot Golf Day to raise money for the Folds of Honor Foundation on June 28, 2014. The funds raised from the weekend events goes to scholarships for children and spouses of Wounded Warriors and our Nation’s Fallen Heroes.
Sign up to play in or sponsor the Patriot Golf Day Tournament by calling 252-633-4440 x 228.
To learn more about the Folds of Freedom Foundation, please visit their website. You can also learn more by visiting Patriot Golf Day’s website.
If you lack the natural golfing ability like me, I encourage you to make a monetary donation to honor those who have fought for our freedoms and their families!
Special thanks to Jerry Briele, Thea Kincaid, and everyone involved in this unique event for making a difference in the lives of military families.
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Wendy Card