>New Bern Now’s "Crazy Dog Boo" Featured on CNN’s IReport Blog of the Day!

>What a fantastic day!

It began by filming video spotlights for Craven/Pamlico MADD and local law enforcement officers; National Night Out Against Crime Prevention; and Gail Bisbee’s Confidential Records Management, Inc. We learned a lot and the videos will be posted soon!

Then, I received a call from CNN about using the “Dog Spa” video in their Blog of the Day post: http://ireport.cnn.com/blogs/ireport-blog/2011/06/14/ireport-mad-libs-challenge-delivers-lols.

Hopefully, the publicity will attract visitors to New Bern, NC! Thanks, CNN IReport for giving NBN our first CNN Badge!

To read more CNN IReports posted by NBN, please visit: http://ireport.cnn.com/people/NewBernNow?numResults=10&view=documents

We hope your day was as good as ours!

Wendy Card