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Thea Kincaid and PCANC President Rosemarie Allen Ryan |
RALEIGH, NC – April is Child Abuse Prevention Month – a time when communities come together to celebrate children’s healthy development. Today’s children are tomorrow’s parents and workers, and North Carolina’s future prosperity relies on their healthy development and growth. Throughout the year, Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina (PCANC) encourages communities to play a role in making North Carolina a state that prioritizes children’s healthy development. When children have safe, nurturing relationships, their well-built brain architecture forms a sturdy foundation for future success. During April, PCANC and communities throughout the state are planting hundreds of pinwheels in recognition of these investments in programs and activities that strengthen families and prevent abuse before it occurs.
“The pinwheel is the new symbol of child abuse prevention. It represents the nurturing, happy childhoods all children deserve,” said Rosemarie Allen Ryan, PCANC President. “Pinwheel gardens remind us that we all have a role in helping the children in our community thrive. Whether we are a parent, a teacher, a coach, or a neighbor, children see what we do and it influences their development.”
Child Abuse Prevention Month activities aren’t confined to pinwheel gardens, though. PCANC is also encouraging parents to “discover the power of play.” PCANC offers tips for playing with children on its website and has created parent pages that can be downloaded and reprinted on the following topics: child-directed play, ways fathers can play with children, and the five things strong families have in common. The April 2011 parent pages are the latest in a series that address issues of concern to parents and offer tips and advice to assist parents in their parenting role. “Children who play with their parents have been shown to be more creative and have fewer behavior problems,” said Allen.
PCANC is the statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect in all forms. Through evidence-based and promising family strengthening and parenting programs, public awareness, and professional education, PCANC works to ensure that every child has a healthy childhood and the opportunity to grow up to be a caring, contributing adult. For more information about PCANC and to learn more about pinwheel gardens and April activities in your community, contact Maureen McKeon, Director for Communications at mmckeon@preventchildabusenc.org or 919-256-6616.
Submitted by: Maureen McKeon, Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina
Note: On March 8th, 2011, we met Rosemarie Allen Ryan and learned about PCANC’s efforts. To learn more, please visit our previous blog post to see video and read more. At that time, the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center was the FIRST pinwheel garden in North Carolina! Visit the Convention Center to see the pinwhell garden which will be on display in April 2011. – Wendy Card