Attend the screening of The Smell of Money on Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. Following the screening there will be a Q & A session with Larry Baldwin and Rick Dove, former Neuse Riverkeepers. Baldwin is now the North Carolina CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) Coordinator with the Waterkeeper Alliance. They appear in this documentary along with Naeema Muhammad, formerly with the NC Environmental Justice Network. The current concern about Biogas will be discussed.
The Smell of Money, a documentary film, tells the story of a multi-billion-dollar corporation poisoning the air, water, and lives of their own neighbors, most of them from the Black community. But to Elsie Herring and others who live near the state’s giant pig factories, the revolting odor is a call to battle against generations of injustice. They are fighting back!
Join Carolina Nature Coalition and the Waterkeeper Alliance on Jan. 24 in the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of New Bern building located at 308 Meadows St.
The event is open to the public. Light refreshments will be available.
For more information call 252-626-5100.
This program is also endorsed by the NC Sierra Club Croatan Group.
By Michael Schachter