Craven County Clean Sweep sponsors four annual clean up events on the first Saturdays of February, May, August and October to help keep New Bern streets and waterways free of litter. The upcoming one will be Saturday, October 1, but if that day is not convenient, you can choose another day that fits your schedule!
It’s your choice to help out in any of these ways: by walking along the streets in your own neighborhood; by using your boat to clean up a waterway; by meeting with others at Craven County Administration Building’s parking lot, 406 Craven Street on that Saturday at 9:00 a.m. to be assigned a spot or by simply picking any other “trashy” area that’s been bothering you. The amount of time you spend on this is totally up to you – it can be 15 minutes or a few hours. Bags will be provided. The bags will also be picked up where you leave them so you do not have to carry them to another spot! For more information, call 252-633-1477.
By Judi Lloyd