Only a handful of schools around the world are offering their students the type of education that the teachers are providing at New Bern High School. A team representing Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) awarded National Demonstration School status to New Bern High School.
This means that New Bern High School will serve as an AVID learning center so other schools across the nation can visit to see how the AVID program is implemented. AVID provides classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students to become more college- and career-ready.
New Bern High is one of 217 schools recognized by AVID as a National Demonstration School. The Bears have been recognized as a Schoolwide Site of Distinction since 2018, meaning this community school holds the top two honors offered by AVID Center.
AVID serves over 2.2 million students in roughly 8,000 schools in 49 states and 16 countries. New Bern High, standing in the top 3% of all AVID schools worldwide, joins that international family as one of only seven National Demonstration Schools for AVID in North Carolina. It is the largest of the three high schools with that designation in North Carolina.
We celebrated New Bern High School with this prestigious recognition and welcomed our AVID representatives on to the campus of New Bern High School. Congratulations to the students and staff at New Bern High, AVID is integrated throughout the school and all classrooms, contributing to student academic success.
By Jennifer Wagner, Director of Public Relations